Kids Wing
We boast of a specially designed Kids Chamber, providing a playroom atmosphere. The children are treated while watching their favourite cartoons, and playing their favourite games by our Paediatric Specialist...ensuring a happy and fun-filled dental experience for your kids.
Some common treatments for kids include:
Fluoride therapy:
It is a procedure involving application of a fluoride gel on the patient's teeth. Fluoride is a natural mineral that builds strong teeth and prevents cavities. It’s been an essential oral health treatment for decades.
Pit & Fissure Sealants:
A sure shot way of preventing tooth decay in children is using special cements to block out deep grooves on the tooth that could act as a food trap which may lead to future cavities.
Kid Crowns
If there is damage to the baby teeth, they may need the added support and protection that the crowns can offer. Having caps put on baby teeth give them reinforcement until the permanent teeth come in to replace them.